WI Campaigns

The WI has campaigned at national level to change things for the better by tackling the issues that matter to members since the first resolution was passed in 1918.
The WI helped form the Keep Britain Tidy group and were a founding member of The Fairtrade Foundation. By campaigning on issues from equal pay to climate change, from mental health to the plight of the honey bee we’ve built a reputation as a practical and ambitious organisation that doesn’t shy away from tricky issues.
Every member has the opportunity to propose a resolution to be voted on at the NFWI AGM each year; the successful resolutions are then taken up by The WI as a whole. It’s a very powerful part of what The WI does.
Stone Rangers WI Campaigning…
At Stone Rangers WI we get actively involved in the national WI campaigns, incorporating their themes into our monthly meetings and charity fundraising, enabling our members to make a difference.
Stone Rangers also have two WI Climate Ambassadors who liaise with local climate action groups to contribute to events and organise our own green activities such as pick-up plastic events.

Stone Rangers participating at a Climate Action Day organised by the Leytonstone Climate Collective. The SRWI stall sold pre-loved books and organised green-themed activities to raise funds for our chosen charity.
Here are just some of the national WI campaigns we’ve actively supported:

We also show solidarity and support by participating in the annual Million Women Rise march, campaigning to end male violence against women & girls, and in other opportunities as they arise, such as The Time is Now mass climate change lobby on Parliament in summer 2019.

International Women’s Day
Each year we celebrate International Women’s Day (8 March) by theming our March monthly meeting around women’s issues specifically. Often these take the form of a panel discussions, to allow for a great debate. Our panellists have included female magistrates, councillors, entrepreneurs, publicans and fire fighters.